Tai Kamiya (anime)

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Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
Tai cool 2.gif
Biographical Information
Full Name Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
Gender Male
Species Human
Status Alive
Nationality Japanese
Hometown Unknown
Residence Odaiba Apartments
Family Kamiya/Yagami Family
Alignment Good
Affiliation DigiDestined
Vanity Information
Hair Brown
Skin Slightly tanned
Eyes Brown
Unique attributes Big Poofy Hair
First appearance Digimon Adventure (film)
Last appearance Coexistence - Part 4
See also: Tai Kamiya (V-Tamer manga), Tai Kamiya (Digimon Adventure manga), Tai Kamiya (Dark Horse Comics), Tai Kamiya (Panini Comics)

Tai Kamiya was the main character of Digimon Adventure.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early life[edit | edit source]

1994[edit | edit source]

Kari's hospitalization[edit | edit source]

Later childhood[edit | edit source]

Summer camp[edit | edit source]

File Island saga[edit | edit source]

Champion arc[edit | edit source]

Devimon arc[edit | edit source]

Server Continent saga[edit | edit source]

Gennai arc[edit | edit source]

Crest of Courage[edit | edit source]

Etemon arc[edit | edit source]

Real world[edit | edit source]

Digisasters arc[edit | edit source]

Myotismon saga[edit | edit source]

Divided we fall[edit | edit source]

United we stand[edit | edit source]

Real world once again[edit | edit source]

666 arc and arrows of truth[edit | edit source]

Spiral Tower saga[edit | edit source]

Metalseadramon arc[edit | edit source]

Machinedramon arc[edit | edit source]

Puppetmon arc[edit | edit source]

Metaletemon arc[edit | edit source]

Piedmon arc[edit | edit source]

Apocalypse now[edit | edit source]

Millenniummon saga[edit | edit source]

Defeat[edit | edit source]

Reunion[edit | edit source]

Rumble beyond space and time[edit | edit source]

Band of heroes...and Marcus[edit | edit source]

Final showdown[edit | edit source]

The fate of "All Possible Worlds"[edit | edit source]

One year later[edit | edit source]

Lady troubles and Power Rangers woes[edit | edit source]

Tai and Izzy! Dream team[edit | edit source]

Infermon wars[edit | edit source]

Matt and T.K. join the fray[edit | edit source]

Birth of Omnimon[edit | edit source]

Nuclear war subverted[edit | edit source]

Millenniummon's revenge[edit | edit source]

Millenniummon's revenge....third times a charm?[edit | edit source]

Digimon Emperor saga[edit | edit source]

Mummymon and Archnemon saga[edit | edit source]

BlackWargreymon saga[edit | edit source]

Myotismon saga...again[edit | edit source]

Diaboromon's revenge[edit | edit source]

The invasion[edit | edit source]

Desperate struggle[edit | edit source]

Fall of Omnimon[edit | edit source]

Rise of Imperialdramon[edit | edit source]

Alphamon saga[edit | edit source]

Return of Digimon[edit | edit source]

Kuwagamon invasion[edit | edit source]

Alpha vs Omega[edit | edit source]

Meiko arc[edit | edit source]

The Mysterious Man saga[edit | edit source]

Old friends[edit | edit source]
The Quantum Sea[edit | edit source]
Reboot: Now[edit | edit source]
A Brave New (Digital) World[edit | edit source]

Adult life[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Tai, at least initially, tried to pass himself off as the "cool type", acting playfully aloof and rather impish, insulting other kids at his camp, but in a jovial, friendly kinda way, never showing malice or superiority over others. Tai would act brave, but he was fairly easily scared by stuff he didn't understand, such as when he first discovered Digimon. Tai was a friendly fellow who got along with almost everyone he met and according to Izzy, he stood up to bullies to protect younger students. Despite his teasing ways, Tai had a big and warm heart, he loved his friends as if they were like family to him, with him saying T.K. was like a little brother to him, and Izzy once said he loved Tai like an older brother. Despite some shallow ship teasing, Tai ultimately thought of Sora like a sister and was rather embarrassed and uneasy about sending her a message that he thought could've been interrupted as a romantic gesture.[1]

Tai loved sports, mostly soccer. He was apparently one of the best soccer players in his school and continued to play the game in high school. In many ways, Tai was similar to his partner Digimon, Agumon. Both were friendly, loving, slightly dim, good-natured and childish beings who loved to eat, play and have fun. Although a gentle soul, Tai was not a push over. He resorted to using his fists to fight Matt on a couple of occasions when the two got in heated arguments and he even threatened Izzy when he believed Izzy insulted WarGreymon after WarGreymon was nearly killed by Diablomon. These were mostly byproducts of Tai's temper however and didn't reflect his true personality. Being the leader of the group, Tai tried to be a comforting and kind leader who always looked out for what was best for his friends, but his brash and headstrong personality often times made his judgement shortsighted and sometimes compromised their safety. Although a truly brave heart, Tai showed unbearable fear over the idea of dying and couldn't find it in himself to risk his life to save Sora from certain doom - an action he regretted tremendously and eventually made up for by braving Datamon's dungeon to save her.

Tai was very protective over those he cared about, such as his fellow DigiDestined, his little sister and Agumon. Tai's shortsighted nature had caused him to to ignore Kari's medical problems which made her condition worsen greatly, an action he never truly forgave himself for, despite Kari never holding malice towards him. If someone Tai cares about is in danger, he will move heaven and earth to save them, and in such actions, he can e quite abrasive and even rude to those close to him until he gets his goals done.

Even after saving both worlds, multiple times, Tai would go on many more adventures with Agumon and the others, such as when he had to defeat the mysterious Keramon from nuking Japan, or when he had to clash with Armageddemon, or when he had to fend off the royal knight Gankoomon and when he fought to protect "All Possible Worlds" from Quartzmon's power. Despite all of these world-ending adventures, Tai retained his trademark good-natured personality, cheerful demeanor and friendly smile. These quarks wouldn't last Tai forever however, as he would grow in a rather brooding and somber teenager, though still remained friendly, kind and cheerful in certain situations.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Courage and leadership[edit | edit source]

Morale[edit | edit source]

Superhuman perception[edit | edit source]

Soccer skills[edit | edit source]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Family[edit | edit source]

Agumon[edit | edit source]

DigiDestined[edit | edit source]

Tai's best friend is actually Izzy and the two have a brotherly bond. Izzy once said he loved Tai as if he were his older brother and feelings seem to be mutual as Tai treats Izzy like family. Growing up, Tai was quite protective over Izzy and protected him from bullies. Izzy respected Tai greatly and followed his word to the ends of the world and after Tai went missing, Izzy did everything in his power to establish contact with him once again. Izzy was always Tai's most reliable friend (even more so then Joe), and always stood by him when he needed help.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Mythology[edit | edit source]

Tai, like most humans, lacks any established mythology to build off of, nor does he accomplish much in the grand scheme of things. It's been since revealed that Tai's gateway into the Digital World was, more or less, pure luck and nothing to do with a greater destiny. However, Tai, through recent material, has become more relevant to the Digimon chronology beyond his "mere" world saving exploits throughout the Adventure Saga, such as clashing with, and defeating, Gankoomon, a Royal Knight and aiding in the defeat of Quartzmon, who threatened "All Possible Worlds".

References[edit | edit source]